02 July 2007

Father's Day Sail

This past Father's day, we had the kids out for the first time in the new boat. All-in-all, a good trip, but a few lessons learned:
  • Explaining that the boat will heel when sailing is not the same as actually experiencing it. The little one who had never been on a sailboat before got pretty scared at first.
  • Stay were the wind is. The wind completely shut down just outside the Richmond channel breakwater leaving us bobbing up and down on all the powerboat wakes. That's a good recipe to get the family sea sick.
  • If the family wants to run the outboard motor, then run the outboard motor. Once I finally came to the realization that the wind was not going to fill in, we fired up the old outboard and got the heck out of there. Everybody started feeling much better once we were on the go again. Didn't take long to get back to where the wind was blowing.
  • If your wife complains about some old worn out part of the boat, take advantage of that to order a replacement as soon as you get home. New sails are on the way--wahoo!

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